The Sunflower's Point of View

Change your point of view Sunflower image ©CindyRippe2013 - quote by George Alexiou
Have you ever just felt like you were struggling to achieve a goal?  Trying hard to just get all the things done (that you think are important) by the end of the day?  This sunflower at Lake Katherine today reminded me of the change in my point of view.

The other day I had a bit of a meltdown and felt like a failure at the end of a VERY busy week.  The plan to finish some of the projects around our house by the end of the long Labor Day weekend just wasn't going to happen!  After I calmed down I was reminded that there really were many of the jobs  finished.  Lee and I had worked hard physically and in the long run, were proud of what we accomplished.  My list was just interrupted with jobs that needed to be done "in the moment" and I was probably too ambitious. There were only a few things left to do.

Thanks for the change in the way I thought about the situation and thanks for working so hard to help Lee!

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning. Ecclesiastes 9:10

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