Is it time to buy a new Camera?

©CindyRippe2013 - Vintage Coronet Camera at the Chicago Flower and Garden Show 2012

My camera is newer than this one but it really gets a workout!  I've been struggling with my Sony Cybershot for a while now.  I just estimated that it's given me well over 75,000 images over the last 5 years. I replaced the broken shutter release last year with Glue Dots and a thumbtack in order to keep using it.  The need to constantly reset the controls (because there's a gremlin in there that changes them without my knowing) and the time I'm spending to edit photos (for basic color and focusing problems) is getting old now though. I've really enjoyed using the preset features as well as the manual settings but I think it's days are numbered.

Thanks old friend for giving me joy through the viewfinder as I've captured special moments, the perfect light and color while getting lost behind the lens.  The images of Florals, Family and my Art Designs would not be the same without you!  Please hold on for a little longer while try to find something to replace you.

Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. ~ Ansel Adams

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